During my time at IMV Design in Providence as a graphic designer, I developed branding and packaging for Daniele, Inc's locally grown meat.
Quilting, both as an art form and social hobby, shares ideas of heritage, culture, and overall antiqued quality. Its roots in New England have become wide spread but it continues to act as basis for design and passion in the area. The passionate Daniele family business also has a cultural ideology of quality crafted materials that have been passed down for many years.
The company chose my tactile quilt design based on the New England landscape, and I was able to direct peers in collaborating for the product label and logo update.
The final design maintains the purist and most recognizable quilt form. Its heritage remains in the coloration, textile choice, and overall cultural connections to the pastime. Type was treated with a very “American” touch, reflecting 19th century playbills & posters. It helps support the geometry of the quilted items but also leads the viewer’s eye to focus on the locality of the product.